Shift Left API Testing
Shift Left API Testing

Let’s talk about a game-changer in the world of software development: shifting left in API testing. Now, I know testing might not always sound like the most thrilling part of building software, but trust me, taking a proactive approach to API testing can make a world of difference…

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Webhooks Advantages
Webhooks Advantages

As a backend developer, you’re entrusted with the crucial task of making sure everything behind the scenes runs smoothly. Today, we’re going to explore a powerful tool in your arsenal that can revolutionize how your applications communicate: webhooks..

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Query String Parameters
Query String Parameters

Query string parameters are a powerful and often underutilized tool in web development. They allow you to pass data to a web server through the URL, enabling dynamic and interactive web experiences. This guide will provide you with a detailed understanding of query string parameters, how to use them effectively, and why they are crucial in modern web development.

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Graphql Interview Questions
Graphql Interview Questions

GraphQL is a query language for your API, and it’s the next big thing in web development. If you’re interviewing for a GraphQL-related role, you might be wondering what kind of questions you can expect. This article will help you prepare by covering common GraphQL interview questions and providing tips on how to answer them.

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What Is Api Encryption
What Is Api Encryption

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are the backbone of modern software development, enabling different software systems to communicate and interact. With the explosion of digital services and the increasing emphasis on data security, API encryption has become a crucial topic. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of API encryption, breaking down the concepts and practices in a friendly, accessible manner.

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What Is Webhooks How Different From Api
What Is Webhooks How Different From Api

Imagine you’re waiting for an important email. You refresh your inbox every few minutes to check if it has arrived. This is like traditional polling, where you continuously check for updates. Webhooks, on the other hand, are like receiving a notification the moment the email arrives. They are automated messages sent from a server to a client when an event occurs.

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