How to Version Api 2024

How to Version Api 2024

Managing changes to APIs is a critical aspect to ensure smooth interactions between different software components. API versioning is the key to gracefully introducing updates while maintaining compatibility with existing clients. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best practices for API versioning that can help developers navigate changes seamlessly.

Here are the topics:

  1. Semantic Versioning (SemVer)
  2. Choose a Versioning Strategy
  3. Default to the Latest Version
  4. Backward Compatibility
  5. Deprecation and Sunset Policies

so lets deep dive into the blog content, and see one by one.

1.First understand versioning, What is semantic Versioning?

The version type you already know, but dont know the name it’s Major.Minor.Patch for example v1.02.05. A standard thats is adapted by many Orgs and products. But how doest it work.

Patch - A bug fix version of a current minor version.

Minor - A small change/update in a feature which should be backward compatible.

Major - A huge(major) change which is mostly backward incompatible.

with this understanding lets move to the next section

2.Choose a Versioning Strategy for your API

There are 3 standard ways for API versioning

  1. URI versioning (Recommended)
  2. Header versioning (Most Recommended)
  3. Query string parmas (Least Recommended)

1.1 URI Versioning

Incorporates the version number directly into the URI path of the API endpoint. Not aligned with REST principles.


1.2 Header Versioning

Uses a custom HTTP header to specify the desired API version. Maintains cleaner URIs aligned with REST principles.

with header Accept: application/vnd.example.v2+json

1.3 Query string parmas

Passes the version information as a query parameter in the request URL. But this type Might not be cached as effectively as URI versioning.


3. Some best practices

Time for some best practices in your API versioning

3.1 Default to the Latest Version

As per REST Priciniples, If no version is specified, default to the latest stable version. This ensures that clients automatically use the most up-to-date API, reducing the risk of using outdated or deprecated versions.

3.2 Backward Compatibility

Strive for backward compatibility whenever possible. Avoid breaking changes in minor or patch versions to minimize disruptions for existing clients.

3.3 Versioning in Responses

Include the API version in response headers (e.g., API-Version) to help clients identify the version they are interacting with. This promotes transparency and assists in debugging.

4. Deprecation & Sunset Policies

Clearly communicate deprecation timelines and provide information on how clients can migrate to newer versions. Sunset deprecated versions after a reasonable period, offering developers ample time to adjust.


It’s essential to change the API and publish new version based on business requirement, when changes happen in the API’s, frontend can start developing ui without waiting for backend by just using tools like mock API to - to supercharge the development.

API versioning is a crucial aspect of API design and maintenance. By following these best practices, developers can effectively manage changes, promote smooth transitions, and ensure that their APIs remain robust and reliable over time. Stay adaptable, communicate changes clearly, and empower developers to embrace the evolution of your API effortlessly.

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