What are Best Mock Api tools?

What are Best Mock Api tools?

In the dynamic world of software development, testing APIs is a crucial aspect of ensuring the reliability and functionality of applications. One common practice is using API mocking tools to simulate different scenarios and responses. In this article, we’ll compare various REST API mocking tools, including Fakend, Postman, Wiremock, and Mockend, across a range of features.

Feature Comparison Table

Let’s dive into a detailed comparison of key features offered by these tools:

Feature Fakend Postman Wiremock Mockend
REST API - Mocking
Mock GET Method
JSON as Response
Random Data for API
Random Data inside a list or object
Response status testing
JWT validation for API Request
Easy way of data mocking using JSON
Easy to configure & use
Production ready mock API
Media upload mock API Coming Soon
SSO Mock API Coming Soon


Lets understand more about the features and tools.

REST API - Mocking

All four tools offer comprehensive REST API mocking capabilities. They allow developers to simulate API responses for various HTTP methods, ensuring thorough testing of API endpoints.

Random Data for API

Fakend, Wiremock, and Mockend provide the ability to generate random data for API responses. This feature is particularly useful for testing different data scenarios.

JWT Validation for API Request

Fakend stands out in providing JWT validation for API requests. This feature enhances the security testing capabilities of your APIs.

Media Upload Mock API and SSO Mock API

Fakend teases upcoming features - Media Upload Mock API and SSO Mock API, showing a commitment to evolving with industry needs.


Choosing the right API mocking tool depends on your specific testing requirements. Fakend emerges as a robust option, offering a wide range of features, including upcoming functionalities like Media Upload Mock API and SSO Mock API.

Before making a decision, consider the specific needs of your project and explore the capabilities of each tool in-depth. Happy mocking!

Some FAQ’s

  1. What is a Mock API? A Mock API is a simulated web service that mimics the behavior of a real API. It is used for testing and development purposes, allowing developers to create and test applications without relying on the actual API.

  2. Why is API Mocking Important? API mocking is crucial for various reasons, including early development testing, avoiding dependencies on external services, and simulating different scenarios to ensure robust application behavior.

  3. How does Fakend Rank Among Mock API Tools? Fakend ranks highly among mock API tools, offering a comprehensive set of features such as REST API mocking, JWT validation, and upcoming functionalities like Media Upload Mock API and SSO Mock API.

  4. What Features Should I Consider When Choosing a Mock API Tool? Key features to consider include REST API mocking capabilities, support for different HTTP methods, ability to generate random data, ease of configuration, and upcoming features that align with your project’s needs.

  5. Is Fakend Suitable for Production-Ready Mock APIs? Yes, Fakend is considered suitable for production-ready mock APIs, providing a stable and feature-rich environment for testing and development.

  6. What Sets Fakend Apart from Other Mock API Tools? Fakend stands out due to its extensive feature set, including JWT validation, easy data mocking using JSON, and a commitment to evolving with industry needs, as seen in the upcoming Media Upload Mock API and SSO Mock API.

  7. Can I Use Fakend for Random Data Generation in API Responses? Yes, Fakend supports the generation of random data for API responses, allowing you to simulate a variety of data scenarios during testing.

  8. Are Media Upload Mock API and SSO Mock API Available in Fakend? While Media Upload Mock API and SSO Mock API are not currently available, Fakend has teased these features as upcoming additions, demonstrating a commitment to expanding its capabilities.

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