Shift Left API Testing
Shift Left API Testing

Let’s talk about a game-changer in the world of software development: shifting left in API testing. Now, I know testing might not always sound like the most thrilling part of building software, but trust me, taking a proactive approach to API testing can make a world of difference…

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Query String Parameters
Query String Parameters

Query string parameters are a powerful and often underutilized tool in web development. They allow you to pass data to a web server through the URL, enabling dynamic and interactive web experiences. This guide will provide you with a detailed understanding of query string parameters, how to use them effectively, and why they are crucial in modern web development.

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Real Time Subscriptions Twitter Case study
Real Time Subscriptions Twitter Case study

where the latest news, trends, and updates are just a scroll away! Have you ever wondered how your Twitter home feed updates automatically, showing you the latest tweets from people you follow without you having to refresh the page? It’s all thanks to a fascinating technology called real-time subscriptions.

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APIs are essential in modern software development, enabling communication between different software systems or components. In this blog post, we’ll explore two key concepts related to APIs: API URLs and API URIs, and highlight the differences between them.

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Choosing API Framework
Choosing API Framework

Building an API is an exciting adventure, but choosing the right framework can feel like navigating a maze. Don’t worry; we’re here to guide you through the process with a beginner-friendly approach.

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